How Baron Davis found his voice as rapper Bart Oatmeal
Baron Davis, the South Central L.A. legend, is navigating the transition of
life after hoops with his second love: rapping.
4 minutes ago
fossil, family, fun, friends, food, facts, frills etc
Nice trilobite specimen. Looks like one of Bob Carroll's nice preparation jobs. I do miss the Texas/Oklahoma trilobites. Have you been to Black Cat Mountain before? My friend Dr. George Hansen just wrote a book about the quarry there. I too am from Texas related to a bunch of Morrows from N. Texas (Collin Co.) Any relation? Don Cox at
I sorry haven't written back it was a rough year, shortly after posting that pictures we made another trip to Black Cat Mountain on 5/4/09 to visit Bob and take some friends to meet him, pick up some of his books (we bought 3 and donated 2 to our local libraries) and hunt trilobites of course. We had a great visit and found some nice specimens. Didn't get to visit with Bob long as he was busy working on his new shop to try to get it finished in between all the rain the area was having and get it done so he could hunt and collect for the Tucson show. Because of the rain it was too wet to drive up on the mountain so we had to park and walk about 1 mile up and down to get to the collecting area. We had a great time, but 3 days after my husband who is the trilobite nut in our family had a heart attack and we haven't been able to get back up there since. We had planned to go in November but then it rained again. I don't know of any Morrows that are kin in that area but who knows. (Are you the Cousin Don? of Bob's? If so we meet you there once)
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